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International Business and Public Platform Ukraine Facility Platform Launched in Brussels

The official launch of the Ukraine Facility Platform (UAFP) took place in Brussels. This international platform for business and civil society was created by two public organizations: the Human Capital Center in Ukraine (Kyiv) and the Institute for Global Transformation (Brussels). The goal of the platform is to develop mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation between the EU and Ukraine that would promote joint economic growth.

“We are not an energy system that only needs help. We are an energy system that can help Europe, and we can fit very well into the European strategy for energy autonomy in the future. But for this, we need to ensure that the transformation of the energy sector occurs within Ukraine. And when we talk about the energy transformation of Ukraine, we are talking about making Ukraine the first large climate-neutral system on the continent, and maybe even in the world,” noted Kudrytsky.

During March and April, UAFP’s activities will focus on organizing coordination meetings with representatives of Ukrainian business associations and the industrial sector. The next stage will involve conducting in-depth research to explore opportunities for real sector projects in the regions.

The event was supported by the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union and attended by over 50 guests. The event was opened by Volodymyr Chentsov, the Ambassador and Head of the Ukrainian Representation to the EU.

Among the guests were representatives from 18 countries, including members of the diplomatic missions of Austria, Ireland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Georgia, Japan, Turkey, Canada, Romania, and Croatia. The event also saw the participation of representatives from international financial institutions such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Business Association, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI).

During the UAFP presentation in Brussels, potential cooperation between Ukraine and the EU at the diplomatic level, in the business sector, and in investments was discussed.

Lana Zerkal, a representative of the UAFP coordination committee and a well-known diplomat, noted that the platform aims to facilitate dialogue between Ukrainian businesses, local Ukrainian authorities, and European businesses. Quality communication will allow each side to maximize the advantages of Ukraine’s European integration.

“We understand that it is very important for regional authorities and regional elites to build relationships and have the opportunity to be heard not only at the level of the Ukrainian government but also to consider development strategies, understand where they will be in 5-10 years, how European integration will change their lives, and what opportunities they can take advantage of right now. That is why we are joining our efforts and hope that together with others we can expand opportunities and enhance our economic agents’ ability to communicate, because indeed, communication is one of the key goals of this platform,” Zerkal stated.

Vladimir Kudrytsky, Chairman of the Board of the National Energy Company “Ukrenergo,” spoke about how Ukraine can help Europe with an additional source of energy amid rising electricity demand in Europe. Despite the destruction of energy infrastructure by Russia, Ukraine still has the potential to increase electricity exports to EU countries.