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«Kraina_info»: prompt informing of Ukrainians about the course of the war in Ukraine

With the beginning of a full-scale military invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine, the team of the Institute of Cognitive Modeling began working 24/7 for Ukrainians and for an international audience. So that the world knows the truth about Russia’s war against Ukraine, so that Ukrainians, even in a state of war, have a foothold, and so that Russian propaganda fails daily on the information front.

In February 2022, the Viber community «Koronavirus_info», created 2 years ago to counteract the coronavirus pandemic, was transformed into a source of reliable information about the russian invasion «Kraina_info».

Currently, the «Kraina_info» Viber community is one of the largest verified communities.

>2 100 000 subscribers

followed this community in the first months of the war

Every day, the Viber community publishes up-to-date information from primary sources, infographics and instructions, results of national surveys, denial of russian fake news and warnings about air threats.

78% of Ukrainians believe Ukraine will win the war

As part of the information war, the Institute of Cognitive Modeling, together with the Social Monitoring Center and the First Rating System Agency, conducted a national survey on the political attitudes and emotional wellbeing of Ukrainians in war conditions. According to the results, almost 80% of Ukrainians believe in the victory of Ukraine.

IGT also united more than 100 Ukrainian opinion leaders and showbiz stars into a special «star battalion» in order to have a systematic communication about russia’s war against Ukraine.

Social Change Initiatives